Welcome back to Episode 5 of The Gag! We’ve been hard at work making sure our shit pops severely. So hopefully you enjoy this special episode in honor of National Coming Out Day. In each episode, we pay homage to our favorite songs and talk about the themes of the music. And since Jason chose the classic Diana Ross song I’m Coming Out. We naturally discussed our coming out stories, the mess we went through to learn how to accept ourselves, and why straight people should be forced to come out with their raggedy ass sexuality as well.
Everyone’s coming out story is different and this is a discussion from our own personal experiences, but we hope that you learn that embracing yourself starts and ends with you.

If you enjoy this episode please share it with your friends, leave comments, and play it while doing your drag makeup for zoom.
Thanks for being a subscriber
If wanna support me online and IRL, I will finally be making my stand up return:
10/17 We Are Trans (Online) - 9 pm
RSVP: Here
10/19 Woman Funny? (IRL)
636 Degraw St, Brooklyn, NY 11217
3:30 PM
Remember you are more powerful than you know
- Kile Atwater
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